SpeedTree cannot be implemented via native plugin

5/29/2013 4:15 PM
After contacting Unity support I am getting response about described issues previously posted. The native plugin renders geometry at end of frame when scene is completed. So it is not good idea to use it for rendering trees and grass. Also it is why trees and grass are rendered over transparency objects. Shadows are not available through native plugin interface. So the solution is to use integrated rendering pipelite for rendering trees and grass. It means that I stopped working on implementation through native plugin and I will rewrite rendering part to Graphic.DrawMesh function.

I tried to render with and without multithreading support of Unity, but the results are not good. It's because by default Unity uses rendering queue, so it is not possible to render trees correctly from native plugin. In the following video you can see what happens when trees are rendered immediatelly from Unity.

In the video you can see some support for easy moving trees (closest trees automatically get handles for moving).